OOO "Interfax-D & B"

127006, Moscow, 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya 2, building 1 Tel / Fax: +7 (495) 6462114

D-U-N-S® number is a code of Data Universal Numbering System, which is assigned to a company in the information database «Dun & Bradstreet.»

D-U-N-S® number of the company PROFIL AG is 682680333

Database «Dun & Bradstreet» is the world’s largest business directory, which exists from 1843 and at the moment contains information about more than 140 million companies in 200 countries. Data of «Dun & Bradstreet» is officially used by government agencies and international organizations, including the UN, the Council of Europe and the U.S. government.

We recommend our clients, subcontractors and suppliers who do not have a D-U-N-S® number, to register in the system «Dun & Bradstreet.» For registration one need to provide only public data that does not contain trade secret. Number assigned to a

company remains then constant, making it easier for other members of the system to find it and making it possible to obtain the most reliable information about potential business partners, customers and performers. Information requested by the system «Dun & Bradstreet» is provided in the form of business inquiries. As an additional service the provider offers a compilation of lists of potential partners on criteria specified by customer, credit rating, rating position and much more.

More information about the D-U-N-S® number can be found on the official website of the Russian representation of «Dun & Bradstreet”: D & B Russia-CIS.

If your company is registered outside the CIS, go to the main site «Dun & Bradstreet» and select a representative office in your country