PROFIL AG joined East and Central European Business Association (OMV).

Membership in OMV will facilitate establishing contacts with business partners in Eastern and Central Europe, Central Asia and Caucasus.

PROFIL AG joined  East and Central European Business Association (OMV).

OMV with offices in Hamburg and Berlin promotes the economic activities of its partners in Eastern and Central Europe as well as Central Asia and Caucasus.

Membership in OMV allows establishing contacts with diplomatic agents from 29 countries of the above mentioned regions and economic unions and associations. Participation in foreign economic conferences and experts meetings held by OMV offers exchange of experience and information as well as with 20 board members of the Association who possess a long-standing experience regarding the cooperation with certain regions.

Besides, the Association offers individual consultations regarding engagement, provides information and relevant contacts. OMV can represent its members in Expert committees with foreign government agencies or contacting directly with representatives of governments in certain regions.

The Association web-site provides relevant information on economic news, foreign trade relations and personnel changes every month.